The God Squad: The Bestselling Story of One Child's Triumph over Adversity
By Paddy Doyle
By the age of four, Paddy Doyle's mother had died of cancer, and father had commited suicide. He was detained in an industrial
school for 11 years, where he was viciously assaulted and sexually abused by his religious custodians. After 3 years, he was
taken to a hospital and left there, never to see his custodians again. So began his long round of hospitals, mainly in the
company of old dying men, while doctors tried to diagnose his condition. This period of his life, culminating in brain surgery
at the age of 10, left him permanently disabled. This title is the true story of a survivor, told with a lack of bitterness
for one so shockingly and shamefully treated.
$11.19 Paperback
$7:34 Kindle

Exiled Voices, Portals of Discovery: Stories, poems, and drama by imprisoned writers
Edited by Susan Nagelsen
Exiled Voices, Portals of Discovery: Stories, poems, and drama by imprisoned writers (Hardcover)
Exiled Voices brings together the stories, poems, and plays of imprisoned writers - beautiful work that made me realize
how much I have to learn. I have always been interested in silenced voices, women's voices in particular; but this collection
made me realize how many silenced voices go unrecognized in our prisons. Those of us who care about silenced voices owe a
huge debt of gratitude to Professor Susan Nagelsen for her tenacity and perseverance in gathering this stunning work and for
her own powerful and passionate voice. This is a book that will reward readers over and over - from the importance of its
vision to the power of its language. This is a book that is also beautifully produced - when you hold this book in your hand,
you will feel its heft and see its carefully crafted design; indeed, every aspect of this book speaks to the integrity of
this project. I encourage you to buy this book and to spread the word - this is a book every American should read.

Edited by Susan Nagelsen